Schoep told his father John, I love you.

Dearest Dad,[most people call you John but not me]

I was quite little and had not been treated very well when you found me some 20 years ago.

On that day, you decided to take chance on me. Please never forget that I was and am forever grateful for you noticing me and seeing in me something good and kind. I saw that about you right now! I hope I succeeded. Then there was that day you did not feel so great. I knew it was my time to find you, to notice you, and to remind you how good and kind you were. I tried to tell you thank you every day. I am so glad we heard each other and got to experience the sort of unconditional love that sadly so many never get to feel. You and I were and are the lucky ones. You took care of me when I could not take care of myself[I wish I could have]. I tried in my own way to take care of you. I was always by your side and I am there now… Dad, I love you so much and I cannot express to you how much. You presence to my life allowed me to have the most beautiful of rides. …do not be too sad for remember that you took a chance on me when no one else did. You give me life!

Thank you Pops!

With love your dog son.



About 讀行俠 Ken

Enjoy myself, enjoy my life!

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