
遠東花蓮鱿魚羹(花蓮市)Far East Hualien Squid Soup (Hualien City)





In the past few days, Taiwan has been shrouded in low temperatures, and the Hualien area is also very cold. In the evening, my friends suggested to eat some hot squid soup to relieve hunger. I have eaten delicious squid soup at Hualien Coffee Brother, which is located in Ji’an Township, Hualien County, “Northeast Sea squid soup”, but because the temperature is quite low tonight, I don’t want to go too far, so my friends suggest to be nearby in Hualien City Eat another delicious “Far East Hualien Squid Soup”.

店門口 / Shop door
菜單 / menu


Why is it called “Far Eastern Hualien Squid Soup”? Because this store was originally opened next to the Far Eastern Department Store in Hualien, it was called “Far Eastern Hualien Squid Soup.”

窗明几淨 / bright and clean
前面直走通往東大門夜市,前方就是即將完工的香榭大道 / Go straight ahead to the Dongmen Night Market, and the Champs Elysées will be completed soon


Tonight we ordered squid soup rice noodles and meat soup rice noodles, and also ordered two dishes. The side dishes are quite delicious, but the same taste can be eaten in other places, which is less distinctive; but the squid soup and the meat soup are very good, the squid is very crisp, the meat soup is also very solid, and their soup tastes The blend is very rich, remember to add some black vinegar when you eat it to bring out the freshness of the soup.

店裡非常乾淨 / The shop is very clean
廚房也是很乾淨 / The kitchen is also very clean


In addition, this store is very clean. The interior furnishings and kitchen are very clean and tidy. It shows that the store pays great attention to environmental hygiene. If you come to Hualien City, you can come to this store to taste it. By the way, it is very close to the Dongdaemun Night Market. After the Champs Elysees Avenue is completed in the future, you can walk directly to the Dongdaemun from the entrance of the store, which is very convenient.

小菜(豆干、海帶) / Side dishes (dried tofu, kelp)
肉羹米粉 / Rice noodles with meat soup
魷魚羹米粉 / Squid Soup Rice Noodles
今晚所點的菜色 / The dishes ordered tonight
價目表 / Price list

地址:花蓮縣花蓮市明義街81號(近明義國小) / Address: No. 81, Mingyi Street, Hualien City, Hualien County (near Mingyi Elementary School)


美食-東台灣 /


讀行俠 Ken

Enjoy myself, enjoy my life!

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